UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- December 2015

1. Who, among the following, advanced the theory that the mind is a tabularasa at birth, and acquires all ideas by experience?

(1) John Locke

(2) John Wesley

(3) Isaac Watts

(4) Denis Diderot

Answer: 1

2. Which of the following authors wrote Studies in the History of the Renaissance?

(1) Walter Pater

(2) Oscar Wilde

(3) Thomas Carlyle

(4) John Ruskin

Answer: 1

3. Whom does Harriet Smith finally marry in one of Jane Austen’s novels?

(1) Knightley

(2) Darcy

(3) Collins

(4) Mr. Martin

Answer: 4

4. A poet once referred to an old man as “A tattered coat upon a stick”. That is

an example of ………………

(1) Metonymy

(2) Sarcasm

 (3) Simile

(4) Metaphor

Answer: 4

5. Which of these is NOT a pastoral elegy?

(1) Lycidas

(2) In Memoriam

(3) Thyrsis

(4) Adonais

Answer: 2

6. In Beckett’s Waiting for Godot the characters often use dislocated,

repetitious and cliched speech primarily to:

(1) illustrate the essentially illogical, purposeless nature of the human condition

(2) re-create the workings of the subconscious

(3) mock the exaggerated dignity and wisdom of modern, self-professed intellectuals

(4) reinforce the comic action of farcical plots

Answer: 1

7. Which of the following sixteenth-century poets was NOT a courtier?

(1) George Puttenham

(2) Philip Sidney

(3) Walter Raleigh

(4) Thomas Wyatt

Answer: (Marks given to all)

8. Patrick White published two novels in the 1950s giving the eras of pioneering

and exploration in Australian history an epic, ironic and psychological dimension. The novels are:

(a) A Fringe of Leaves

(b) The Tree of Man

(c) Voss

(d) The Aunt’s Story

The right combination according to the code is:

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (a)

(4) (c) and (d)

Answer: 2

9. In which of the following works did Bakhtin propose his widely cited concept

of the ‘Carnivalesque’?

(1) “Discourse in the novel”

(2) Dialogic Imagination

(3) Rabelais and his world

(4) “Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel”

Answer: 3

10. Match the columns:


(a) Sebastian Faulks

(b) Peter Ackroyd

(c) Tan McEwan

(d) David Lodge


(i) Amsterdam

(ii) Changing Places

(iii) Hawksmoor

(iv) Birdsong


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)

(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(4) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

Answer: 3

11. In New Criticism, the key term ‘tension’ is associated with:

(1) Cleanth Brooks

(2) John Crow Ransom

(3) Austin Warren

(4) Allen Tate

Answer: 4

12. While compiling what sort of book did Samuel Richardson conceive of the

idea for his Pamela or Virtue Rewarded?

(1) an account of the plague in London

(2) an instruction manual for manners

(3) a book of devotion

 (4) a book of model letters

Answer: 4

13. Who among the war Poets gained notoriety in 1917, when disenchanted

with the way the war was being conducted he drafted his letter of “wilful

de_ance of the military authority” which captured attention in the House of

Commons, and was forcibly admitted to the war hospital at Craiglockhart,

primarily to avoid his being court-martialled?

(1) Rupert Brooke

(2) Siegfried Sassoon

(3) Wilfred Owen

(4) Isaac Rosenberg

Answer: 2

14. If you cannot understand an argument and remark, “It’s Greek to me”, you

are quoting ……………

(1) John Milton

(2) Samuel Johnson

(3) William Shakespeare

(4) John Donne

Answer: 3

15. Which of the following works did Walter Scott compile?

(1) The Lay of the Last Minstrel

(2) Marmion

(3) Ivanhoe

(4) The Minstrelsy of Scottish Border

Answer: 4

16. Which of the following is NOT written by Wole Soyinka?

(1) Home and Exile

(2) Kongi’s Harvest

(3) The interpreters

(4) The Swamp Dwellers

Answer: 1

17. In the Defense of Poesy Sidney says: “Now as in geometry the oblique must

be known as well as right and in arithmetic, the odd as well as the even, so in

the actions of our life who seeth not the filthiness of evil wanteth a great foil

to perceive the beauty of virtue”. Which of the following forms of poesy offers

a foil that helps us perceive the beauty of virtue?

 (1) Pastorals

(2) Parody

(3) Comedy

(4) Tragedy

Answer: 3

18. John Dryden described a major English poet as “a rough diamond, and must

_rst be polished ere he shines …..” Identify him:

(1) Geo􀃠rey Chaucer

(2) John Gower

(3) George Herbert

(4) Robert Ilerrick

Answer: 1

19. In a remarkably proleptic insight, a critic wrote the following, anticipating

Benedict Anderson’s de_nition of the nation as “an imagined political


“Most novels are in some sense knowable communities. It is part of a

traditional method — an underlying stance and approach — that a novelist

o􀃠ers to show people and their relationships in essentially knowable and

communicable ways”.

Name the critic and the reference

(1) Van Wyck Brooks, The writer in America

(2) Raymond Williams, The country and the city

(3) Joseph Wood Krutch, The Modern Temper

(4) T.S. Eliot, Notes Towards a De_nition of culture

Answer: 2

20. “Fair is my love, and cruel as she’s fair; Her brow-shades frown, although

her eyes are sunny”.

The above lines are characterized by:

(1) circumlocution

(2) antithesis

(3) anticlimax

(4) bathos

Answer: 2

21. In his “Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot” Pope tells us that as a poet he had

bene_ted from “This saving counsel, ‘keep your piece nine years’” – which

enjoins on writer’s patience and great care before they rush to print. Whose

 “counsel” is Pope referring to?

(1) Longinus’s in On the Sublime

(2) Horace’s in Ars Poetica

(3) Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria

(4) Aristotle’s Poetics

Answer: 2

22. An English architect and stage-designer – Beginning 1605, joined Jacobean

court to design masques — contributed signi_cantly to the spectacular theatre

which succeeded the commonwealth after his death – the _rst designer to use

revolving screens to indicate scene-changes on the English stage.

Identify this artist/designer.

(1) Henry Irving

(2) Inigo Jones

(3) Henry Arthur Jones

(4) William Inge

Answer: 2

23. …………… may be de_ned as any departure from the rules of pronunciation

or diction, for the sake of rhyme or metre, or an unjusti_able departure from


(1) Poetic license

(2) Poetic justice

(3) Poetic deviance

(4) Poetic diction

Answer: 1

24. That I lumanities and the sciences were in fact “two cultures” was

suggested by …………..

(1) Aldous Huxley in his oxford lectures on poetry

(2) W.H. Anden in his oxford lectures on poetry

(3) F.R. Leavis in his book, The Great Tradition

(4) C.P. Snow in his Rede lecture

Answer: 4

25. Chaueer satirizes the Monk because the Monk:

(1) is too concerned with courtesy and matters of etiquette

(2) cheats the poor peasants by selling them false religious relics

(3) courts favour of wealthy people but spends no time with poor people

 (4) spends too much time hunting and too little time on religious duty

Answer: 4

26. Divided into three sections this ground-breaking work published in 1953

uses as the frame of the spiritual and moral awakening of a fourteen-year-old

during a Saturday night service in a Harlem church. Identify the work.

(1) Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Are Watching God

(2) James Baldwin’s Go Tell it on the Mountain

(3) Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon

(4) Richard Wright’s Native Son

Answer: 2

27. Chartism, a political movement that took its name from the People’s

Charter had six points. Identify the one point on the following list that was

NOT Chartist:

(a) universal manhood su􀃠erage

(b) equal electoral districts

(c) comprehensive insurance scheme for labour

(d) vote by secret ballot

(e) payment of MPs

(f) no property quali_cations for MPs

(g) Annual parliaments


(1) (e)

(2) (g)

(3) (c)

(4) (d)

Answer: 3

28. These beauteous forms,

Through a long absence, have been to me

As is a landscape to a blind man’s eye…

(“Tintern Abbey Lines”)

Which of the following rhetorical terms best suits these lines?

(1) Apostrophe

(2) Litotes

(3) Hyperbole

(4) Catachresis

Answer: * (Marks given to all)

29. The ‘monster’ in Frankenstein is NOT responsible for the death of:

(1) Clerval

(2) Justine

(3) Elizabeth

(4) Alphonse Frankenstein

Answer: 4

30. Which of the following plays of William Shakespeare is NOT directly

referred to in T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land?

(1) Hamlet

(2) King Lear

(3) Coriolanus

(4) The Tempest

Answer: 2

31. Identify the group below which is known as the “Sons of Ben”.

(1) Noel Coward, E.G. Craig, William Macready, Matheson, Lang

(2) John Dryden, the Earl of Rochester, Samuel Butler

(3) William Cartwright, Richard Corbett, Thomas Randolph

(4) William Holman hunt, John E. Millais, D.G. Rossetti, William Morris

Answer: 3

32. Christopher Marlowe was one of the first major writers to affirm what can

be identified as a clearly homosexual sensibility. Which drama of his deals with


(1) Edward II

(2) The Jew of Malta

(3) Doctor Faustus

(4) Dido, Queen of Carthage

Answer: 1

33. “When true silence falls we are still left with echo but are nearer

nakedness. One way of looking at speech is to say that it is a constant

stratagem to cover nakedness”.

Identify the playwright who underlines the significance of silence thus.

(1) Samuel Beckett

(2) Harold Pinter

(3) Luigi Pirandello

(4) Joe Orton

Answer: 2

34. The determining feature of syllabic verse is neither ……………. nor ……………

but the number of syllables in a line.

(1) number, numbers

(2) sounds, silences

(3) stress, quantity

(4) gists, piths

Answer: 3

35. In Robert Browning’s dramatic monologue, which painter does Andrea del

Sarto compare himself to? What does he _nd lacking in his own work in


(1) Fra Lippo Lippi – humour

(2) Raphael – Soul

(3) Leonardo da Vinci – Verisimilitude

(4) Botticelli – liveliness

Answer: 2

36. In which of the following does Robert Southey detail the Indian

superstitions as an idolatry to be suppressed by a civilizing protestant form of


(1) “Thalaba”

(2) The Curse of Kehama

(3) “Pitying the wolves”

(4) Country Horrors!

Answer: 2

37. The following is the classic ending of a celebrated novella in English:

“I kept on creeping just the same, but I looked at him over my shoulder. I’ve

got out at last’, said I, “in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled o􀃠 most of the

papers, so you can’t put me back !“

Now why should that man have fainted? But he did, and right across my path

by the wall, so that I had to creep over him every time !“

(1) Yellow Woman (Leslie Mormon Silko)

(2) The Yellow Wallpaper (Charlotte P.Gilman)

(3) Johny Panic and the Bible of Dreams (Sylvia Plalth)

(4) Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Joyce C. Oates)

Answer: 2

38. Harriet B. Stowe had wanted to write a work based on the life of an Afro-

American writer which was later published as:

 (1) Uncle Tom’s Cabin

(2) Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

(3) Cry, The Beloved Country

(4) Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Answer: 2

39. Samuel Johnson’s “Dissertation upon Poetry” is part of which of his

following works?

(1) the _nal section of his preface to Shakespeare

(2) a chapter of his novel Rasselas

(3) the epilogue of his Lives of Poets

(4) one of his Rambler essays

Answer: 2

40. A new series called “New Accents” was launched by Methuen in 1977. The

first title to be published in the series was:

(1) Deconstruction : Theory and Practice

(2) Formalism and Marxism

(3) Structuralism and Semiotics

(4) Making and Di􀃠erence : Feminist Literary criticism

Answer: 3

41. “Humble and rustic life was generally chosen, because, in that condition,

the essential passions of the heart _nd a better soil in which they can attain

their maturity, are less under restraint, and speak a plainer and more

emphatic language… The language, too, of these men has been adopted…

because such men hourly communicate with the best objects from which the

best part of language is originally derived”. Which of the following groups of

the author’s poems in the Lyrical Ballads (1800) contradict this statement in

the “Preface to the Lyrical Ballads”, as pointed out by S.T. Coleridge?

(1) “Ode on the Intimations of Immortality”, Prelude.

(2) The Tasks, Seasons.

(3) “Michael”, “Ruth”, “The Brothers”.

(4) “Elegy Written in a country churchyard”, “Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the


Answer: 3

42. A remarkable novelist of the English Modernist phase who wrote a short

book on what the novel is (and why it matters) remarked, “Oh dear, yes – the

novel tells a story”. Identify the novelist:

 (1) Virginia Woolf

(2) James Joyce

(3) E.M. Forster

(4) DII. Lawrence

Answer: 3

43. What is the name of the angel, who, of those who owed allegeance to

Satan, dared to protest against his impious doctrine and left his company to

return to God (Paradise Lost, Book V)?

(1) Michael

(2) Abdiel

(3) Uriel

(4) Gabriel

Answer: 2

44. Which of the following is NOT a school associated with Romantic period in

English literature?

(1) The Cockney School

(2) The Fireside School

(3) The Lake School

(4) The Satanic School

Answer: 2

45. The idea of “new ethnicities” in post-war Britain was advanced by …………..

(1) Donald Hall

(2) Stuart hall

(3) Paul Gilroy

(4) Hanif Kureishi

Answer: 2

46. Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse begins in a piece of dialogue:

“Yes, of course, if it’s _ne tomorrow”, said Mrs. Ramsay. “But you’ll have to be

up with lark”, she added.

Present among the listeners of her remark is ……………

(1) her father

(2) her nephew

(3) her son

(4) her driver

Answer: 3

47. Match the phrase with character

(a) “motiveless malignity”

(b) “Reason in Madness”

(c) “Supp’d full of horrors”

(d) “To be, or not to be”

(i) Macbeth

(ii) Hamlet

(iii) Lear

(iv) Iago


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)

(2) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(4) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

Answer: 3

48. In Tristram Shandy the narrator’s presentation of his life and opinions is


(1) linear

(2) digressive

(3) chronological

(4) rounded

Answer: 2

49. The famous sonnet of John Milton beginning “When I consider how my light

is spent…” ends with ……………

(1) Before me stares a wol_sh eye, Behind me creeps a groan or sigh

(2) They also serve who only stand and wait

(3) And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!

(4) And bless him for the sake of him that’s gone

Answer: 2

50. Her vision was of several caves. She saw herself in one, and she was also

outside it, watching its entrance, for Aziz to pass in. She failed to locate him. It

was the doubt that had often visited her, but solid and attractive, like the hills.

“I am not —“speech was more di􀃞cult than vision. “I am not quite sure”.

The above extract from A Passage to India is about Adela’s cave experience. Who is

questioning Adela?

(1) Mrs. Moore

 (2) Mr. McBryde

(3) Fielding

(4) Ronney Heaslop


17-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- December 2019

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15-UGC NET English Solved Exam Paper 2- December 2018

14-UGC Net English Solved Exam Paper 2 June July 2018

13-UGC Net English Solved Exam Paper 2 December 2017

12-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- January 2017

11-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- July 2016

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8-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2-December-2015

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6-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- December 2014

5-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- June 2013

4-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- September 2013

3-UGC NET English Solved Question Paper 2- December 2013

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