Triumph of Surgery MCQs Mock Test of 10th Class Footprints Welcome to your Triumph of Surgery MCQs Mock Test of 10th Class Footprints Question 1. Whom was Mrs. Pumphrey worried about? (a) herself (b) her maid-servant (c) her dog Tricki (d) her son None Q.2 The story "A Triumph of Surgery" is written by - A) James Herriot B) Ruskin Bond C) Robert Arthur D) Victor Canning None Question 3. How did ‘hick; look? (a) very thin (b) like a bloated sausage (c) very smart (d) always ready to run None Q4- In the story , the person described as ''I'' is - A) Tricki B) Mrs. Pumphrey C) Veterinary surgeon D) none of the above None Question 5. Where was Tricki taken by Mr. Herriot? (a) to his clinic (b) to Mrs Pumphrey’s house (c) to a public hospital for vets (d) nowhere None Q6- what is the name of the veterinary surgeon who saved Tricki's life - A) Tricki B) Mrs. Pumphrey C) Hodgkin D) Mr. Herriot None Q7- According to Mrs.Pumphrey Tricki was suffering from which of the followimg problem- A) diarrhoea B) malnutrition C) allergies D) all of the above None Question 8. What did the surgeon offer Tricki at his health centre? (a) many injections (b) medicines (c) no food for two days (d) only milk and chocolate None Q9- Did Tricki's mistress cut down on food and sweets as was prescribed? A) yes B) no C) only for a while D) she was not advised anything like that None Q.10 - Hodgkin is a ________ by profession. A) dog owner B) gardener C) Veterinary surgeon D) ward boy None Q.11- Name the game which was felt difficult to be played by Tricki - A) ring-throw B) walk C) hide and seek D) all of the above None Q.12- The advise given by veterinary doctor to Mrs. Pumprey for Tricki was- A) cut on his food B) giving him more exercise C) keeping him on a very strict diet D) all of the above None Q.13- Was James Herriot expecting for a call from Tricki's mistress? A) no B) yes C) maybe D) maybe not None Q.14- Another term/terms for ''Distraught'' is/are- A) bend B) worried C) upset D) both b and c None Q.15-When Tricki fall ill, how was he acting? A) refusing to eat his favourite food B) didn’t go for walks C) vomiting D) all of the above None Q.16- What was/were the suggestion/suggestions according to the vet ? A) to take him to the hospital B) to take him for a walk C) to let him have sugar D) both b and c None Q17- What was the reason due to which other dogs were not giving attention at Tricki ? A) he was an uninteresting object B) he was ill C) he was furious D) all of the above None Q18- For how many days/hours Tricki does not eat anything? A) 1hour B) 2 days C) 3 days D) 5 days None Q19- Joe was ________ A) nurse B) pug C) greyhound D) cat None Q.20- What mindset did the dogs have about the food ? A) last ones will be liable to have competition for the leftover food B) there was no competition C) it wasn’t good D) it was the best part of the day None Q.21- The word similar to ''Jostling'' is- A) running B) struggling C) walking D) none of the above None Q.22- ''Scrimmage'' also meant for- A) fight B) play C) run D) none of the above None Q.23- In the group of other dogs, Tricki was considered as- A) silky little object B) shaggy little object C) he didn’t say anything D) none of the above None Q.24- Meaning of the word '' Convalescing'' is- A) condescending B) worsen C) disappointing D) recover None Q.25- The item which was brought firstly by Mrs. Pumphrey was - A. Eggs. B. Brandy. C. Wine. D. None of these None Q.26- The benefits taken by the staff from Mrs. Pumphrey's overdoings and overcaring are- A) breakfast with eggs B) lunch with wine C) dinner with brandy D) all of the above None Q.27- After a fortnight, which circumstances made veterinary doctor to call Mrs. Pumphrey? A) Tricki got recovered B) Tricki got unwell C) he knew she is suffering D) both a and c None Q.28- "In two weeks he had been transformed into a lithe, hard-musled animal" . Here, the word lithe means- A) dirty B) graceful C) misbehaving D) rude None Q.29- Out of these items, which items are used by them? A) toys B) cushions C) coats D) none of the above None Q.30- Which of the following word satisfies Mrs. Pumphrey's character? A) loving B) over-doing C) intelligent D) rational None Q.31- Out of these, veterinary surgeon was__________. A) tactful B) over-doing C) careless D) irrational None Q.32- On noticing Mrs. Pumphrey, was Tricki happy? A) yes B) No C) maybe D) she showed no emotions None Q.33- Whom do you blame for Tricki's miserablr condition ? A) Mrs. Pumphrey B) Tricki C) Herriot D) Vet None Q.34- As a permanent guest, why is the narrator desiring to keep Tricki? A) because he loved Tricki B) he thought Mrs. Pumphrey woudn’t take good care of Tricki C) they would lose all Luxuries like eggs, wine and brandy D) none of the above None Q.35- What was Tricki’s main guilt? (a) fatness (b) inactivity (c) laziness (d) greed None Q .36 Which kind of woman was Mrs. Pumphrey? (a) miser (b) poor (c) cruel (d) rich None Q .37- “I think I know a cure for you.” Here ''I'' refers to? (a) Mrs Pumphrey (b) Mrs Pumphrey’s husband (c) Mr Herriot (d) Mrs Pumphrey’s servant None Time's up