PGT English Mock Test 9

Welcome to your PGT English Mock Test 9

1. The proponent of the geocentric theory was

2. Lollards are those who followed-

3. Seneca was a

4. Alexander Pope said "The wisest, the brightest and the meanest of mankind" about:

5.Who said, "Classicism is health and Romanticism is disease."

6. The movement of "Return to Nature" has to do with: (PGT-2000)

7. The phrase "Willing suspension of disbelief" is associated with- (PGT-2000)

8. The type of fiction whose setting is in the medieval period, often in a gloomy castle replete with dungeons subterranean passages and used of ghosts and mysteries is called: (TGT-01)

9. An amusing mistake somebody makes when they use a word that sounds similar to the word they meant to use but has a completely different meaning:01

10. A word that is pronounced the same as another word but that has a different spelling and meaning (e-g. dear and deer)

11. The term 'Eukracia' refers to:

12. A person who does not believe in and is opposed to accepted ideas, traditions, institutions etc.

13. A short description in verse or prose of a picturesque scene or incident, especially in rustic (pastoral) life:

14. Who was the first creator of Idylls in Greece?

15. This was an early 20th century Anglo-American Movement. It rose as a reaction against romanticism and Victorian sentimentality in poetry. It emphasized simplicity, clarity of expression, and precision through the use of exacting visual images. The movement was-

16. (The making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly:

17. Roman à clef refers to -

18. The rhyming of vowel sound without the rhyming of consonants is known as: (PGT- 04)

19. What was the reason of Shakespeare's leaving Stratford?

20. Which of the following author has narrated deer poaching tale about Shakespeare in his works?

21. Satan in Paradise Lost in Christian Tradition formerly called-

22. Who uses Milton as a character in his work "Milton: a Poem"?

23. Paradise Lost influenced Mary Shelley when she wrote her novel_______ in the 1810s.

24. Who is known as the father of English ?

25. Who used 'rhyme-royal' for the first time ?

26. Who called Chaucer The father of English poetry' ?

27. A sort of wit that ridicules the follies an vices of man is known aS

28. New learni.1g was brought to England in the year-

29. Romantic Movement had its symp- toms in-

30. Chaucer used his rhyma-royal stanza in his

31. Donne wrote a poem in memory of Elizabeth Drury, daughter of his patron, Sir Robert Drury of Hawstead, Suffolk. The poem was-

32. Which poem of Alexander Pope the following lines form a part of- They shift the moving toyshop of their heart.

33. Which poem of Alexander Pope the following lines form a part of- This casket India's glowing gems unlocks And all Arabia breathes from yonder box.

34. Which poem of Alexander Pope the following lines form a part of- Bright as the sun, her eyes the gazers strike, And, like the sun, they shine on all alike. T

35. The animals which low include?

36. In the poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard', the poet says after death both the rich and the poor become -

37. In the poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard', the poet asks if decorated ash urn inscribed with one's life story or animated statues can-

38. The following lines are taken from- "The sweetest thing that ever grew Beside a human door."

39. These lines are taken from - "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting, The Soul that rises with us, our life's star, M Hath had elsewhere its setting."

40. In which poem of Wordsworth these lines occur- "We are laid asleep in body, And become a living soul."

41. Which work of Wordsworth was criticized in The Edinburgh Review with its insolent "This will never do'?

42. Which one of the following plays is by Shelley? (P-10)

43. To who Keats advices in his letter- "You, I am sure, will forgive me for sincerely remarking that you might curb your magnanimity, and be more of an artist, and load every rift of your subject with ore."

44. Who wrote in his letter to John Hemilton Reynolds "We hate poetry that has a palpable design upon us.

45. For which of the following poems is classical mythology not the primary inspiration?

46. Which of the following poems includes a choric song?

47. Pauline, a Fragement of a Confession' was published anonymously in-

48. The basic theme of Arnold's Literature and Dogma is:

49. Arnold calls a poet "a beautiful but ineffectual angel, beating in the void his luminous wings in vain." Who is this poet?

50. Countess Kathleen is Drama by Yeats. In what linguistic form this play is written?