PGT English Mock Test 29

Welcome to your PGT English Mock Test 29

1. Who introduced the printing press in England ?

2. Robin Hood is known for-

3. Arnold said, "With him is born our real poetry." Here who is 'him' ?

4. An occurs when there is an (intentional) error in the chronology or timeline of a text.

5. is when a word or phrase is repeated at the writing. beginning of multiple sentences throughout a piece of

6. An occurs when something nonhuman, such as an animal, place, or inanimate object, behaves in a human-like way.

7. is the use of informal language and slang. It's often used by authors to lend a sense of realism to their characters and dialogue.

8. An is when an author inserts a famous quotation, poem, song, or other short passage or text at the beginning of a larger text (e.g., a book, chapter, etc.).

9. The Way of the World is a play written by the English playwright_

10. Which play has the following characters- Mirabell, Millamant, Lady Wishfort, Sir Wilfull etc.?

11. Who is best known for his novel The Vicar of Wakefield (1766), his pastoral poem The Deserted Village (1770), and his plays The Good-Natur'd Man (1768) and She Stoops to Conquer (1771, first performed in 1773)?

12. Who is thought to have written the classic children's tale The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes (1765)?

13. The School for Scandal is a comedy of manners and was first performed in written by London at Drury Lane Theatre on 8 May 1777.

14. Name the figure of speech used in the line "Just for a handful of silver he left us".

15. In the last phase of his life, Shakespeare wrote -

16. Which play of Shakespeare has been described T.S. Eliot as an artistic failure' (PGT-04)

17. Which play of Shakespeare has been described by T.S. Eliot as an artistic success?

18. Who remarked about his father given below? (TGT-2016) "My father destined me from my infancy to the study of polite literature, which I embraced with such avidity, that form the age of twelve, I hardly ever retired from my books before midnight".

19. For whom did William Wordsworth speak in his famous line, "Thy soul we like a star, and dwelt apart"? (TGT-2016)

20. In the state of his blindness, with whom Milton does not compare himself? (TGT-2016)

21. In the opening invocation of the Paradise Lost 'Oreb' refers to: (TGT-2016)

22. Shakespeare used the longest word 'Honerificabilitudinitatibus' in his play-

23. Who has been called "the true child of the Renaissance ?"

24. Who was the first writer of Middle style ?

25. Who was the "morning star of Elizabethan drama" ?

26. The first tragedy is said to have been written by-

27. Who founded the Customs?

28. The line, 'They also serve who only stand and wait', occurs in which of the following poems? (TGT-2016)

29. In which work, Milton states that: "While the still Morn went out with sandals grey"? (TGT-2016)

30. Through which work does Milton intend, to justify the ways of God to men"? (TGT-2016)

31. The Metaphysical rejected the conventional ideal of love held by and their indifference to real experience.

32. An Essay on Criticism is composed in heroic couplets written in the

33. Which of the following is a verse essay that primarily concerns how writers and critics should behave in the new literary commerce of Pope's contemporary age?

34. Where was the poet when he composed the 'Elegy"?

35. What does the knell refer to?

36. Michael, Isabel, Luke are the characters in Wordsworth's poem-

37. The poem "Michael" is set in-

38. Which poem is not included with Wordsworth's "Lucy" poems, even though it is a poem that mentions a character named Lucy?

39. Who believed that Lucy Gray was "a beautiful success" when contrasting how it is able to emphasize an incorporeal side of nature, and he believed that the poem "The Sailor's Mother" was "a failure" for it lack of the incorporeal?

40. The line "I'm the daughter of the Earth" is taken from-

41. Which of these is not a work by John Keats? (P-03)

42. Which poem of Tennyson was his favourite? (P-02)

43. The rhyming scheme of 'In Memoriam' is: (PGT-02)

44. What feature of the portrait is most striking in My Last Duchess?

45. Who narrates the poem My Last Duchess?

46. Arnold's Last Words on Translating Homer published in?

47. In which essay Arnold wrote that, "Without poetry, our science will appear incomplete; and most of what now passes with us for religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry"?

48. "Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the truants in custody and bring them back to their right senses. "Who said?

49. The Globe was set on fire in the

50 . Which one of the following is not play by Shakespeare ?