PGT English Mock Test 26

Welcome to your PGT English Mock Test 26

1. Everyman is an anonymous

2. Drayton, Webster, Middleton and Samuel Daniel were English poets of the ........ age.

3. Battle of Castlian took place in the year-

4. Who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2019?

5. Who are the winners of Man Booker Prize Award

6. Who won the Sahitya Academy Award in English for 2019?

Note: Fill in the Blanks with an appropriate Literary Term (7-8) 7. A is a question asked in a form which does not in reality seek an answer but rather emphasizes a certain point.h

8. A is a direct and vivid comparison between two things usually considered distinct or unrelated.

9. In which of his work Thomas Carlyle argued that the actions of the "Great Man" play a key role in history, claiming that "the history of the world is but the biography of great men"? )

10. Whose works include The French Revolution: A History, 3 vols (1837) and The History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great, 6 vols (1858-65)?

11. What is the meaning of the title Sartor Resartus, a novel by Thomas Carlyle?

12. Which 20th century English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic is known for his lucid prose, biting social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism?

12. Which 20th century English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic is known for his lucid prose, biting social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism?

13. Which author is known by his pen name George Orwell?

14. Pun is- (TGT-05)

15. Who is known as the fourth-witch among Shakespeare's women characters? (PGT-2000, 09)

16. The name of Macbeth's wife in the Shakespearean play is- (PGT-05)

17. Which is Shakespeare's longest play, with 30,557 words?

18. Paradise Lost comprises books. (TGT-2011)

19. Paradise Lost is written in- (TGT-2011)

20. The famous line "what though the field be lost; all is not lost" is spoken by- (TGT- 2011)

21. Milton begins Paradise Lost Book I with (TGT-2011)

22. Milton is most famous for his

23. The word that completes the famous line "Better to " is... (TGT-2011) reign in Hell than serve in

24. The song ending with, "the spotted snakes with double tongue" is taken,from the play-

25. Tottel's Miscellany is a collection of Songs, Sonnets and lyrics.

26. Elizabeth I dictator the name of whom is-

27. Who is of the view that Chaucer is not as great as the classicists ? succeeded a catholic

28. Battle of Pavia took place in the

29. Tottel’s Miscellany was published

30. Wyatt's Satire were composed in-

31. Donne belongs to the period of -

32. Who was provoked to write 'Reflections Critical and Satirical upon a late Rhapsody Called, an Essay upon Criticism, just after the publication of Pope's An Essay on Criticism?

33. Messiah is a 'sacred eclogue' by Alexander Pope, composed in 1712. It is based on the Fourth Eclogue of-

34. The Rape of the Lock is a Alexander Pope. written by

35. What is the dominant mood of the poem?

36. What dominates the poem?

37. Which work of Wordsworth can only be called subjective autobiography?

38. Which period in Wordsworth's career was marked with gloom?

39. About which poem Wordsworth wrote, "There is not an image in it which I have not observed, and now in my 73rd year I recollect the time and place where most of them were noticed."

40. About which poem Wordsworth said, "Its object is partly to expose the vices of the penal law and the calamities of was as they affect individuals."

41. What is the subtitle of Oedipus tyrannus?

42. The other title of Keats's Isabella is-

43. When did the last poem Idylls appear? (P-03)

44. Tennyson has written a poem on a Which City?

45. My Last Duchess' is written in the form of:

46. The Oxford movement is also known as:

47. Who was the chief protagonist of Imagism in England?

48. "All perform their tragic play, There struts Hamlet, there is Lear, That's Ophelia, that Cordelia" The above lines are from-

49. Which of the following is not a drama by Eliot?

50. Who has written the book The Art of T.S. Eliot?