PGT English Mock Test 24

Welcome to your PGT English Mock Test 24

1. The writer of The Time Machine is:

2. The writer of Animal Farm is:

3. Doctor Faustus is written by:

4. Who succeeded Elizabeth I in 1603, establishing the Stuart dynasty?

5. Which writer was not active under both Elizabeth I and James I?

6. What was the intended target of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605?

7.Which figure of speech has been uesd in the following lines: "O World! O Life! O Time! O Julius Caesar! Thou art mighty yet!"

8. Among Shakespearean Sonnets, Sonnet 126 has six couplets rhyming-

9. Among Shakespearean Sonnets, Sonnet 145 is composed in -

10. Who appreciated Paradise Lost as a poem which, considered with respect to design, may claim the first place, and with respect to performance the second, among the productions of the human mind'?)

11. Who among the following is not a Metaphysical poet?

12. What is the meaning of the song of mourning/song of lamentation or song of sorrow?

13. About what is Wordsworth talking in the line "Oh ! pleasant exercise o hope and joy!"

14. Which poem of Wordsworth has the 4 following ending lines ? "But in the very world, which is the world of all of us,-the place where in the end We find our happiness, or not at all."

15. Wordsworth's poem "It is a Beau- teous Evening Calm and Free" is a--

16 Which poem of Wordsworth is a story of a woman whose lover has betrayed her ?

17. Wordsworth's married his cousin Mary Hutchinson in the year-

18. In Wordsworth's Poem "She was a Phantom of Delight", who is she ?

19. Wordsworth's poem "London 1802" is addressed to-

20. What are the essential qualities of Elegy?

21. Elegy was usually written to mourn the death of -

22. In which poem of Wordsworth, does the line "our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting", occur? (TGT 2016)

23. Tennyson's poetry represents-(PGT-05)

24. 'My Last Duchess' was published in:

25. "Truth sits upon the lips of dying men." In which poem of Arnold's does this line occur?

26. Dickinson suffered from the lack of intellectual-

27. In the end of the play Measure for Measure who was married to Angelo ?

28. lago is a villain in Shakespeare's play-

29. In Othello who says, "I am not whatI am" ?

30. In King Lear, who finally takes over the kingdom ?

31. Banquo is the name of a general of Scotland in Shakespeare's play-

32. Who among the following is supposed to be a real descendant of Banquo ?

33. In which play of Shakespeare the fol- lowing monologue occur: "Certainly my conscience will serveme to run" ?

34. Who speaks the above monologue ?

35. In which play of Shakespeare, the song "Come away, come away, death" is there ?

36. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar prob- ably appeared about the year-

37. In Shakespeare's Hamlet who kills Hamlet's father?

38. Claudius was the of Hamlet's father.

39. Shakespeare's tragedy Troilus and Cressida was written about the year

40. Shakespeare's Measure for Measure belongs to the category of his-

41. Shakespeare's Othello came out in the year-

42. King Lear divides his kingdom bet- ween two of his three daughters. Who are they?

43. Which one of the following is not a source of Shakespeare's Timon of Athens?

44. In Macbeth, who goes mad and finally dies--

45. My mistress with a monster is in love' is a monologue in Shakespeare's play-

46. Who speaks the above monologue ?

47. Which one of the following books did not influence Wordsworth ?

48. In which Book of Wordsworth's The Prelude, the following lines appear : "O soul of Nature : excellent and fair, That rejoiced with me, with whom I too, Rejoiced through early youth."

49. The Prelude was addressed to-

50. In which poem, the following lines Appear - To her fair works did Nature link The human soul that through me