PGT English Mock Test 15

Welcome to your PGT English Mock Test 15

1. Capsule criticism is a term used by:

2. The father of Criticism is:

3. The father of English Criticism is:

4. Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote under the pseudonym of:

5. Who wrote under the pseudonym of Eric Blair?

6. William Sydney Porter wrote under the pseudonym of:

7. Who popularized the term 'Lost Generation'?

8. Pulitzer Prize is awarded by: (P-09)

9. Who is considered to be a founder of the New Criticism school of literary criticism?

10. Who has authored the popular books- The World's Body (1938), The New Criticism (1941), God without Thunder (1965)?.

11. Who has written the work-Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930)?

12. A picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things:

13. Who coined the term Capsule Criticism to refer to the concise put-down? (Examples are 'I watched this play at a disadvantage. The curtain was up,')

14. Point out the figure of speech in the following line: (PGT-09 "Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes."

15. Shakespeare purchased shares in the Globe Theatre in-

16. What was the first name of the playing company King's Men that William Shakespeare partly- owned?)

17. The quotation "A good book is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured upon purpose to a life beyond life" is taken from Milton's -

18. Who spoke of Milton as "our greatest public poet"?

19. Who said in 1734 "Mr. Milton is esteemed the parent and author of blank verse among us"?

20. Samson Agonistes draws on the story of Samson from the-

21. Michael Lieb posits that "the drama is a work of violence to its very core. It extols violence. Indeed, it exults in violence". Which of Milton's work he is talking about?

22. In which poem Donne uses the famous conceit - where he compares the apartness of two separated lovers to the working of the legs of a compass?

23. Who used the term 'Oedipus com-plex' for the first time ?

24. Which term stands for a vague oequivocal expression ?

25. The term Burlesque'mneans a literary work which in a satiric manner

26. The Meaning of Meaning (1923), Principles of Literary Criticism (1924), Practical Criticism (1929), and The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1936) are popular books of-

27. The term 'Euphuism' stands for an ornately florid and mazy style of writing which is -

28. According to Northrop Frye, an emi- nent and influential myth critic, the four main narrative genres namely Comedy. Romance, Tragedy and Satire are displaced modes of the elemental forms of myths associated with the seasonal cycle of

29. Various types of 'monologue' are- with elaborate is

30, When a word suggests two or more different meanings, the device, used, One-act play ?

31. The poem "The Canonization" was first published in-

32. In The Rape of the Lock Greek and Roman gods areconverted into a relatively undifferentiated army of basically ineffectual-

33. In The Rape of the Lock Cosmetics, clothing, and jewelry are trivial substitute for -

34. At what time do "sleepless lovers" awake in this poem?

35. In which year Gray went out with his friend Horace Walpole on a continental tour?

36. When did Gray come to England, and had a serious quarrel with- Horace Walpole?

37. Thomas Gray is

38. The title of Wordsworth's first poetical volume is- /(PGT-04)

39. Lucy Poems by Wordsworth refer to - (PGT-04)

40. Where from the below quoted lines of Wordsworth? (PGT-05) No Nightingale did ever chant More welcome notes to weary bands Of travellers in some shady haunt among Arabian sands.

41. Who said "The poet is a man speaking to men"?

42. Shelley dedicated his The Cenci to?

43. The following lines are taken from- "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

44. In which of his odes Keats wonders- "Do I wake or sleep"? (PGT-02)

45. "The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world" These lines form a part of Tennyson's: (PGT-10)

46. The following lines form a part of Tennyson's: Man for the field and woman for the hearth: Man for the sword and for the needle she: Man with the head and woman with the heart: Man to command and woman to obey; All else confusion

47. Why was their marriage kept a secret?

48. How many children did Browning have?

49. Which of the following poets wrote the poem entitled Dover Beach?

50. Who regarded poetry as the criticism of life?

51. In Yeats's poem A Sailing to Byzantium, 'Byzantium' refers to-