PGT English Mock Test 13

Welcome to your PGT English Mock Test 13

1. A style that involves indirect ways of expressing things:

2: It is used in rhetoric and is the concluding section of an oration.

3: A stanza of four lines is:

4. Auden met Christopher Isherwood at-

5. When a floor stone memorial for Larkin was unveiled at Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey?

6. The last/Ninth or death-bed edition of Leaves of Grass appeared in-

7. Dickinson was also in love with

8. "The ants are a curious race" is a line from -

9. Which of the following poems Frost read on John F. Kennedy's inauguration?

10. Ezekiel's poem "The Patriot" is included in:

11. Who is the author of the poem 'Enterprise'? (P-09)

12. The opening image of the poem "A Far Cry from Africa," presents the impact of-

13. The word "Kikuyu" in the poem "A Far Cry from Africa," serves as the name of a-

14. What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan?

15. With whom are the Scots at war at the beginning of the play?

16. Which nation's army invades Scotland at the end of the play?

17. Who is the goddess of witchcraft in the play?

18. Who kills Donalbain?

19. What happens to Lady Macbeth before she dies?

20. Whom does Knowell meet on his way to London?

21. What is the false news delivered by Brainworm to Knowell?

22. How does Brainworm disguise himself?

23. According to Brainworm, Edward had fixed an appointment with:

24. Who is not a well-known exponent of 'aphorism' ?

25. Avant garde, a termn of military origin, implies-

26. The qualities attributed to Donne's school of thought were that-

27. It is said that because of T. S. Eliot's influential essay The Metaphysical Poets'_esteem for 'metaphysical poetry' grew high in-

28. The normal group of syllables in English are-

29. Almost the whole of modern English poetry has been dominated by

30. As a literary genre, 'Mime' developed in Sicily and Southern Italy and the well-known composers of mimes have been-

31. Who Is Roger Formal in the play?

32. In which play of Dryden the following characters are a part of - King Ynca, Orazia, Montezuma, Smeron, Ismeron, Zempoalla?

33. The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, being the Sequel of The Indian Queen is an English Restoration era stage play, written by John Dryden that was first performed in the Spring of 1665.

34. The play The Indian Emperour was first published in 1667 by Henry Herringman. Dryden dedicated the play to , Duchess of Monmouth and Buccleuch, whom he called his "first and best patroness."

35. Arms and the Man is a comedy by George Bernard Shaw, whose title comes from the opening words of in Latin: Arma virumque cano ("Of arms and the man I sing").

36. Arms and the Man was first produced on 21 April 1894 at the Avenue Theatre and published in -

37. Which of the following Shaw's plays is not included among the volume Pleasant plays along with Arms and the Man -

38. The finest of Galsworthy's later dramas is: (T-04)

39. The influence of class is depicted in: (T-04)

40. Who has been called "the renewer of English drama in 20th century"?

41. Teddy, Ruth, Max, Lenny, Sam, Joey, Jessie are characters from the play

42. What does I.W.W. stand for (in Hairy Ape)?

43. Why does Yank knock on the door of the I.W.W.?

44. Aziz, Azam, Najib, are characters from -

45. Initially, Girish Karnad wanted to be a -

46. Which of the following Latin books of Bacon is on the new logic or inductive method of reasoning?

47. Which work of Francis Bacon was a pioneering essay in support of empirical philosophy?

48. Steele's first published work was

49. Steele wrote a comedy titled-

50. Steele wrote a sentimental comedy that proved a failure on the stage. It was