Adjective Definition, Types, Degrees, Examples and Exercise

Here are the Adjective Definitions, Types, Degrees of Adjective, Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, Superlative Degree, Examples, and Exercise in detail.

Definition: A word that qualifies as a noun or a pronoun OR an adjective is a word that adds something to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun.

                                                              Kinds of Adjective

There are the following kinds of Adjectives.

  1. Proper Adjectives: Proper adjectives are derived from proper nouns.
      Proper noun    Proper adjective
  • Qualitative Adjective: Qualitative Adjectives denotes the quality or disquality of a noun or pronoun.

Ex. Beautiful, good, Blind, short, intelligent, handsome, sharp, fat, thin,


1. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden.

2. I saw a tall boy.

3. A fat cannot run fast.

3. Quantitative Adjective: Quantitative adjective denote the quantity or degree of noun or a pronoun.

Ex. Little, whole, much, all, enough, some, etc.


1. You always include much milk in your diet.

2. There is a little water in this pot.

3. Please give me some grapes.

NOTE: Sufficient, enough, most, some, all etc can be used to denote both quality and number of a noun or pronoun.

4.Adjective of number: Adjective of number denotes the number of a noun or pronoun.

Ex. One, two, three….., many ,few ,some, all , first ,second …. , next, last etc.


1. I saw three birds sitting on the tree.

2. Many boys were making a noise in the class.

                                          Types of Adjective of number

(a)Definite number Adjective: These show the definite number of noun or pronoun.

EX. One, Two ……. These are called cardinals.

First, second ………… these are called ordinals.

(b) Indefinite number Adjectives: These do not show the exact number.

Ex. Many, certain, several, some, few, all, any

(c) Distributive number Adjectives: These Adjectives denote the distribution.

Ex. Each, every, either, etc

5. Demonstrative Adjective: These Adjectives point out a noun or pronoun.

Ex. This, that, these, those, such, etc


1. This boy is very clever.

2.  I like those flowers.

3. These books are very costly.

6. Interrogative Adjectives: These Adjectives are used before noun or pronoun and make question word along with them.

Ex. What, Whose, Where, Which


1. Which boy was making a noise?

2. Whose book is this?

7. Emphasizing Adjective: These Adjectives emphasize upon the noun or pronoun.

Ex. Own, very, quite,


1. This is your own mistake.

2. This is the very book. I gave you last year.

8. Exclamatory Adjectives: “What” is used as an exclamatory adjective.


1. What a beautiful flower!

2. What an idea!

9. Possessive Adjectives: These adjectives denote possession on the noun.

Ex. My, Our, your, his, her, their etc.


1. His brother went to Delhi.

2. You stole my book yesterday.

                                                       Formation of Adjectives

Adjectives can be formedfrom the nouns, verbs or adjectives.

Adjectives formed from nouns:

Noun                                                                  Adjective

Gold                                                                Golden

Beauty                                                             Beautiful

Duty                                                                 Dutiful

Glory                                                                Glorious
Girl                                                                    Girlish

Boy                                                                   Boyish

Fool                                                                  Foolish

Adjectives Formed from verbs:


Adjectives formed from the other Adjectives:

AdjectivesOther Adjective

                                                                    Degree of Adjective

There are three degrees of the Adjective:- 

1.Posative Degree: The positive Degree of an adjective denotes the basic quality or disquality of a noun or a pronoun. It is in its simple form. It is used when no comparison is made.

Ex. Ram is tall boy.

2. His brother is good artist.

3. It is a beautiful flower.

4. Fox is a clever animal.

2. Comparative Degree: When the comparison is made between the qualities of two nouns, the comparative degree of an adjective is used.

‘Than’ used after the comparative degree of adjective.

Ex.1. Triyank is taller than Jatin.

2. His brother is better artist than him.

3. It is more beautiful flower than the marigold.

4. Fox is clever than elephant.

3. Superlative Degree: The superlative Degree of an adjective represents the highest quality of a noun in comparison of all other nouns in a group. The is used before the superlative degree of adjective.

Ex. Triyank is the tallest boy in the artist in the village.

2. His brother is the best artist in the village.

3. It is most beautiful flower.

4. Fox is the most clever animal.

Here is the list of Adjectives showing positive, comparative superlative degrees.

One syllable adjectives:
oldolderthe oldest
bigbiggerthe biggest
friendlyfriendlierthe friendliest
Two-syllable or longer
adjectivesmore + adjectivethe most + adjective
interestingmore interestingthe most interesting
boringmore boringthe most boring
narrowmore narrowthe narrowest
beautifulMore beautifulMost beautiful
DifficultMore difficultMost difficult
intelligentMore intelligentMost intelligent
Irregular formsGoodBetterthe best
BadWorsethe worst
FarFartherthe farthest
LittleLessthe least

One syllable adjectives:

old          older     the oldest

 big         bigger   the biggest

 friendly               friendlier             the friendliest

Two-syllable or longer

adjectives                           more + adjective              the most + adjective

interesting          more interesting              the most interesting

boring   more boring       the most boring

narrow more narrow     the narrowest

Irregular forms                                 

 good     better   the best

bad        worse   the worst

far          farther  the farthest

little       less        the least 


Q1 find the kind of adjective in the given sentence.

• My shirt is in that drawer.

Q2 What is the adjective in the given sentence?

• A volcanic eruption frightened the islanders.

Q3What is the adjective in the given sentence?

• I love beautiful flowers.

Q4 find the adjective.

• Many people are saying thanks for the flowers.

Q5 fill the correct adjective:

• Soham is _______ boy in our group.

Q6 find the adjective-

• Which movie did you watch last night?

Q7 Find the adjective-

• I want to buy that car.

Q8 Tell the kind of adjective in the given sentence.-

• CV Raman was a great scientist.

Q9 Tell the kind of adjective.-

• Whose books are there?

Q10 Tell the kind of adjective.-

• I have enough money in my pocket.


1. Adarsh is taller than Jatin.

(A) Jatin is taller from Adarsh.

(B) Jatin is not so tall as Adarsh.

(C) Jatin is not tall to Adarsh.

(D) None of these.

 Ans: (B) Jatin is not so tall as Adarsh.

2. Rudra is more intelligent than Manish.

(A) Manish is not so intelligent as Rudra.

(B) Manish seems so intelligent as Rudra.

(C) Manish is always intelligent to Rudra.

(D) None of the above.

 Ans: (A) Manish is not so intelligent as Rudra.   

3. China is richer than Pakistan.

(A) China is very rich to Pakistan.

(B) Pakistan is not so rich as China.

(C) Pakistan was not so rich as China.

(D) Pakistan is richer from China.

 Ans: (B) Pakistan is not so rich as China.               

4. Komal’s hair is more beautiful than Vimla’s hair.

(A) Komal’s hair is not so beautiful as Vimla’s hair.

(B) Vimla’s hair is not beautiful like Komal’s hair.

(C) Vimla’s hair is not so beautiful as Komal’s hair.

(D) Vimla’s hair is not so short as Komal’s hair.

 Ans: (C) Vimla’s hair is not so beautiful as Komal’s hair.

5. Launga is bigger than Delhi.

(A) Delhi always big as Launga.

(B) Delhi is bigger as Launga.

(C) Delhi is not as big than Launga.

(D) Delhi is not so big as Launga.

 Ans: (D) Delhi is not so big as Launga.

6. He is taller than any other boy in the college.

(A) some other boys in the college is as tall as him.

(B) no other boy in the college is as tall as he.

(C) no other boy is know taller as he.

(D) none of the above.

 Ans: (B) no other boy in the college is as tall as he.

7.  Ram is poorer than any other man in the village.

(A) Ram is not poorer in that village.

(B) No other man in the village is as poor as Ram.

(C)  None is as very poor as Ram in my village.

(D) My village has not man who is as poor as Ram.

 Ans: (B) No other man in the village is as poor as Ram.

8. My father is more handsome than any other in our colony.

(A) He is my father and is more handsome in my colony.

(B) Some other are the most handsome as my father.

(C) No other in that colony was handsome like that.

(D) No other man in our colony is as handsome as my father.

 Ans: (D) No other man in our colony is as handsome as my father.

9. The Ganga is more famous river than any other river in India.

(A) The Ganga is more famous river in India.

(B) No other river in India is as famous as the Ganga.

(C) Any other river in India is as famous as Ganga.

(D) The Ganga is very famous river in India.

 Ans: (B) No other river in India is as famous as the Ganga.

10. Jaipur is hotter than Shimla.

(A) Shimla is hot as Jaipur.

(B) Shimla is not so hot as Jaipur.

(C) Shimla is not so hotter from Jaipur.

(D) None of the above.

 Ans: (B) Shimla is not so hot as Jaipur.

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