Proper Education and Learning – The Formula of Success

Our way of life is a sum up of what we have learned- Proper Education and Learning through parents, environments, books, teachers, and everyone in our contact.

Man is a social animal who lives in society and adopts habits and culture according to the surrounding. Today a new education system has influenced old traditional patterns but the importance of learning still exists. The fate of a child and his/her personality is very much dependent upon the education received by them.  It is important that they perceive good qualities that help them to become successful human beings.  Those who learn and adopt true values of life achieve their goal but to become successful it is necessary to climb the platform of education. Man has made tremendous scientific progress in the last century, and the thirst for innovation played an instrumental role in it.

The basic foundation of a child or the cornerstone of the future is kept in the initial phase of life. Moral values, fundamentals, discipline all these values should be taught to children at a very young age. In research, it was found that personality or mental perception is developed till the child arrives at the age of 15-20. This is a very crucial phase of life. Proper education sharpens the skills, qualities, and capabilities of children and broadens their mindset. In India, from ancient times emphasis was given to this aspect. All sections of society arranged for resources that they could allocate and ensured that the next generation receives proper knowledge. With the passage of time and the rule of the British Empire in India that introduced schools, the traditional culture of teaching was lost.

It is said that needs and necessities give birth to innovations and inventions. Scientists, research scholars, and professionals of different demesne conduct research, and investigation, and thus develop new products and techniques. All this is a part of learning because many secrets of science have to be unveiled yet. In ancient times when there was no computer system or power of information technology all the information derived from research or analysis was handwritten so that the upcoming generation uses it. This system of passing information and knowledge to other generations brought smartness to children. All this helped the new generation to see things in the correct manner and influenced their working pattern.

The countries, groups, or areas that neglected the importance of learning or proper education suffered drastically in the long run. Some even had to fight for their existence because they were outmatched by the outside world. The children in those countries, areas or ethnic groups are not able to establish cordial relationships with others when they travel to distant corners of the world. For example, children from tribal groups or least developed countries from Africa find it hard to adjust to the modern world. Already they were victims of racial discrimination but now they fit in the modern environment.

In terms of livelihood, people need to build a career so that they can earn a certain amount of money to survive in this expensive world. To run a business, get a government job, and be skillful in most professions, you need to gain a proper education. For example, if you want to become an English teacher or professor, you will gain the required education and after that, you need to prepare for English TGT or PGT and to prepare for UGC Net English and Ph.D., then you will be able to gain a proper teaching job.


Materialistic things may be lost but knowledge and information are such assets that human beings can save and protect without any threat. It is a ladder for success and therefore proper emphasis should be given to education and learning.

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