Post Graduate Teacher(UP PGT) English Exam paper, 2003

Post Graduate Teacher (UP PGT) English Exam paper, 2003


1. Give the correct term for the statement given: `Set of facts systematically arranged in rows and columns’.

(1) Training task          

 (2) Sequence

(3) Table                     

(4) Key

Ans. (3)

2. “Fees will not be received after 3 p.m.”

The underlined expression is:

(1) Passive sentence

(2) Modal passive

(3) Phrasal verb            

(4) Intransitive verb

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Will and would are modal verbs. While changing a modal verb into passive form, we use modal verb + be + V3 (past participle).

3. Which is a ‘sound’ word?

(1) Dreamlike             

(2) Peered

(3) Sparkled                

 (4) Chuckle

Ans. (4)

4. A Homonym is:

1. opposite words

2. similar words in meaning and spelling

3. similar in sound but different in meaning

4. different in sound but similar in meaning

Ans. (3)

Explanation: A word with same form but with different meaning.

5. Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb. Choose the correct one from the following:

“Did you refuse the offer?”

(1) turn down             

(2) break down

(3) set off               

(4) put off

Ans. (1)

Explanation: ‘Turn down’ replaces ‘refuse’.

6.What will be the suitable prefix for the word `decent’?

(1) un       

(2) non    

(3) not       

(4) in

Ans. (4)

7. Find out the correct direct speech of the following indirect narration :

 He enquired whether his name was not Ashok.

1. He said to him, “Is your name Ashok?”

2. He said to him, “Is your name Ashok?”

3.  He said to him, “Is not your name Ashok?”

4. None of the above

Ans. (3)

8. Which of the following sentences has a Transitive Verb?

1. He knows English very well  

2. The river is flowing fast.

3. She dances very beautifully.

4. My sister is going to her training centre.

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Transitive verb has an object and can be changed into passive form. In this sentence, English is an object.

9. Which of the following sentences is in Future Imperfect tense?

1. He has stolen my pen

2. She came late today

3. I shall kill him

4. Das will soon be visiting us

Ans. (4)

10. Find out the correct indirect narration of the following direct speech:

He shouted, “Let me go.”

 1. He shouted that let him go

2. He shouted to them to let him go

3. He shouted to go

4. None of the above

Ans. (2)

Explanation: There is no object in this sentence. So, the object ‘them’ has been supplied while changing the narration.

11.”I ran into an old relative yesterday.”

(1) met by chance     

  (2) collided

(3) moved fast             

  (4) hit and ran

Ans. (2)

Explanation: In this sentence ‘ran into’ means ‘collided’.

12.”How are you getting along with your students?” getting along can be replaced by:

(1) recovering              

 (2) behaving

(3) progressing            

 (4) continuing

Ans. 3

Explanation: In this sentence, ‘getting along’ means progressing.

13.”There are… the apple.”

Given below are jumbled words. Arrange the letter in proper order and fill in the blank.

(1) morsw           

 (2) storf

(3) angit            

 (4) epitor

Ans. 1

Explanation: The ordered form-worms-can be filled in the blank.

14. Choose the correct spelling:

(1) Arguement          

  (2) Argument

(3) Argeument          

 (4) Arggument

Ans. (2)

15. Choose the correct Explanation: of the idiom: “Do not always pick holes.”

(1) Dig holes               

 (2) Pick up a quarrel

(3) Criticize               

  (4) Keep quiet

Ans. (3)

Explanation: ‘Pick holes’ means to find faults for criticizing others.

16. Choose the correct idiom for the Explanation: given: “Please keep quiet.”

1. keep in mind

2. be over with

3. catch the bull by the tail

4. hold your tongue

Ans. (4)

Explanation: To keep quiet means to hold tongue.

17. Replace the clause underlined in the sentence below with a suitable phrase beginning with the words in bracket given below:

“When Prabha lost her sight, she had to stop attending school.”

(1) [At the loss]          

 (2) [On losing]

(3) [When the lost]       

 (4) [The loss]

Ans. (1)

18. Choose the correct name of the punctuation mark of the sentence given below in brackets.

“God made the country [;] men the town:”

(1) Colon                    

 (2) Semi-colon

(3) Comma               

(4) Inverted comma

Ans. (2)

19. Which one of the following sentences is correct?

1. What a boring task this is

2. What a boring task this is?

3. What a boring task this is.

4. What a boring task this is!

Ans. (4)

Explanation: An Exclamatory sentence expresses strong or sudden feelings and ends with a sign of exclamation.

20. What do you mean by “differentiate”?

1. Recognize or show the difference between two

2. See or understand the difference between two

3. Distinctive or characteristic aspect of

4. Fact or idea that suggests a possible Answer to a

Ans. (1)

21. R.K. Narayan wrote:

(1) 20 novels               

 (2) 12 novels

(3) 11 novels               

 (4) 19 novels

Ans. (2)

22. 1914– First World War begins, and Robert Frost publishes his work. Which one is it?

1. North of Boston

2. Three Soldiers

3. Age of Innocence

4. This Side of Paradise

Ans. (1)

Explanation: The North of Boston was first published in London and then in U.S.A.

23. Faulkner’s Sound and the Fury was published in:

(1) 1927                  

(2) 1929

(3) 1931                     

 (4) 1933

Ans. (2)

Explanation: This novel has the story of decline of Compson family. It was published in 1929.

24. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare, The Hamlet was written by:

(1) Melville                 

(2) Galsworthy

(3) Pope                      

(4) Faulkner

Ans. (4)

Explanation: In ‘The Hamlet’ Faulkner shows the rise to power of the deprived Snopes family.

25. In which of his poem did Nissim Ezekiel talk about love and sex?

1. Sixty Poems

2. The Exact name

3. Hymns in Darkness

 4. Passion Poems

Ans. (1)

Explanation: In ‘Sixty Poems’ (1953) Ezekiel discusses on love and sex.

26.”His poetry comes out of his reactions to his environment, and he juxtaposes old and new by selling peasant superstition against modern skepticism.” This is a comment on Ezekiel and one of this particular poems. Which one is it?

1. Mamaji

2. The Untouchable

3. The Hill of Devi

4. Night of the Scorpion

Ans. (3)

27. Which of these is not a novel by Mulk Raj Anand?

1. Coolie

2. Heat and Dust

3. Across the Black Waters

4. The Untouchable

Ans. (2)

Explanation: The Untouchable (1935), Coolie (1936), and Across the Black Waters (1940) were written by Mulk Raj Anand.

28. What does Mulk Raj Anand satirizes in Coolie?

1. Indian imitating English Society and its consequences

2. Nationalism

3. Industrialization

4. Exploitation of the poor people

Ans. (3)

29. Which one is the correct sentence?

1. Why did they withdraw from the match?

2. Why did they withdrew from the match?

3. Why do they withdrew from the match?

4. Why does they withdraw from the match?

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Simple past tense is used to form this sentence. It follows the order-Question word + Did + Subject + First form of verb.

30. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate preposition: “Please don’t stop. Go ….with your work”.

(1)  out     

  (2) in       

 (3) on        

(4) off

Ans. (3)

31. Which of the following plays by G.B. Shaw has been made into a film staring Audrey Hepburn?

(1) Saint Joan            

(2) Pygmalion

(3) Candida                

(4) Major Barbura

Ans. (4)

32. Which of the following Eliot’s characters is different from the rest?

(1) Macavity              

 (2) J. Alfred Prufock

(3) Sweeney               

  (4) Bleistein

Ans. (2)

33. Catherine Barkley is a character from Ernest Hemingway’s famous novel. Which one is it?

1. Old Man and the Sea

2. For Whom the Bell Tolls

3. Farewell to Arms

4. In Our Time

Ans. (3)

Explanation: In Red Cross Hospital, Hemingway fell in love with a nurse who has been described as Scottish Catherine Barkley in ‘Farewell to Arms’ (1929).

34. Which one of these is not a poem by Walt Whitman?

1. When Lilacs last in Dooryard Bloom’d

2. Distant Likeness

3. Song of Myself

4. Leaves of Grass

Ans. (3)

35. The author of ‘A Reed Shaken by the Wind’ is:

(1) W.B. Yeats            

 (2) Thomas May

(3) Walt Whitman       

 (4) G. Maxwell

Ans. (1)

Explanation: W.B. Yeats’ lyrics and ballads have unique merit. One can say to a reader to go through his first little volume, ‘The Wind among the Reeds’ (1899).

36.”I heard a woman call you the winged victory In Sluggish Venice

You turn your head towards your tail, and smile” What is the title of the poem by D.H. Lawrence?

(1) Mosquito             

(2) Miss Gee

(3) The Bees                

(4) The Tiger

Ans. 1

37. Which of D. H. Lawrence’s novel is said to be strikingly autobiographical ?

1. Rainbow

2. Women in Love

3. Lady Chatterley’s Lover

4. Sons and Lovers

Ans. (4)

Explanation: The ‘Sons and Lovers’ is an auto-biographical novel and the hero Paul Morel represents the writer Lawrence himself.

38. Which of the poem expresses Frost’s statement that `a poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom’?

1. An Old Man’s Winter Night

2. Home Burial

3. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

4. The Hill Wife

Ans. (3)

39. I am every women who seeks love……..

These lines are from the poem by:

(1) Amita Desai            

(2) Sarojini Naidu

(3) Kamala das             

(4) Toru Dutt

Ans. (3)

40. R. K. Narayan wrote many wonderful novels which of these is not his?

(1) Coolie                    

(2) The Guide

(3) Malgudi Days         

 (4) The English Teacher

Ans. (1)

Explanation: `Coolie’ is written by Mulk Raj Anand.

41. A Paronym is:

1. The use of a word in a sense that does not properly belong to it.

2. A clause or phrase wedged into a sentence in

3. A word that is spelt and pronounced in the same way as another but means different context.

4. A word not spelt as another but pronounced exactly as the other.

Ans. (4)

Explanation: Paronyms are the words with same sound but different in spelling and meaning. For

Example, corporal = relating to human body, and corporeal = material

42. Strange friend, past, present and to be loved deeplier understood. —Tennyson What special feature of construction do you find in the lines above?

1. Formation of comparative adverbs

2. The use of archaic words

3. Omission of a part of speech

4. The use of the imperative

Ans. (3)

43. “I am asked to write my reminiscences of a famous novelist” About whom does the author Somerset Maugham say this context of his novel `Cakes and Ales’?

1. Donal Praeter

2. Thomas Hardy

3. NI. Thackeray

4. Charles Dickens

Arts (2)

44. In the year 1872, a week or two before Thomas Hardy’ thirty second birthday, one of his books was published which confirmed Hardy in his profession as a writer. Which book was it?

1. Desperate Remedies

2. Under the Green Wood Tree

3. The Trumpet Major

4. Jude the Obscure

Ans. (2)

Explanation: The book ‘Under the Green Wood Tree’ was published in 1872.

45. Ernest Hemingway visited Spain during the Civil

War and utilised his experiences in the book:

1. For Whom the Bell Tolls

2. In Our Time

3. A Moveable Feast

4. The Fifth Column

Ans. (1)

Explanation: The novel `For Whom the Bell Tolls’ (1940) is based on Spanish Civil War.

46. Walt Whitman’s poem ‘O Captain, my Captain’ is a sad poem mourning the death of a great man. Who was he?

1. Washington Irving

2. Abraham Lincoln

3. Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. Thomas Alva Edison

Ans. (2)

Explanation: This poem is an elegy written on the death of American President, Abraham Lincoln.

47. When did Yeats receive his Nobel Prize?

(1) 1920                      

(2) 1924

(3) 1923                     

(4) 1929

Arts (3)

Explanation: Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1923

48. “I deal with all periods, but I never study any period but the present”. Who said this?

1. Joseph Conrad

2 .H. G. Wells

3. George Bernard Shaw

4. Matthew Arnold

Ans. (3)

Explanation: G. B. Shaw said this in explaining why Shaw drew such topsy-turvy pictures of historic characters.

49. “Criticism must, always profess an end in view, Its function is to promote the understanding and enjoyment of literature.” Who said this?

(1) Matthew Arnold

(2) Dr. Johnson

(3) T. S. Eliot              

(4) John Keats

Ans. (3)

50. In which book of Charles Dickens’ we find the character called ‘Miss Pross’?

(1) Oliver Twist

(2) Great Expectations

(3) A Tale of Two Cities

(4) Little Dorrit

Ans. (3)

51. The last book that Dickens wrote was:

1. The Uncommercial Traveller

2. Bleak House

3. Great Expectations

4. A Christmas Carol

Ans. (3)

Explanation: The ‘Great Expectations’ was written in 1861.

52. A well known English writer wrote for the Morning Chronicle under the Pseudonym of `Boz’. Who was he?

(1) Joyce Cary             

 (2) Charles Dickens

(3) Henry James          

 (4) Thomas Gray

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Charles Dickens wrote for the Morning Chronicle under the Pseudonym of Soz’.

53. Matthew Arnold’s “Shorab and Rustom” is taken from a story from :

1. Arabian Nights

2. Akbar Namah

3. Shah Namah

4. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Ans. (3)

Explanation: Matthew Arnold took the theme of this poem from the Shah Namah of a Persian poet Firdausi.

54. Which book of Hardy is not pessimistic?

1. Jude, the Obscure

2. The ‘Return of the Native

3. A Pair of Blue Eyes

4. Tess of the Durbervilles

Ans. (3)

Explanation: The novel ‘A Pair of Blue Eyes’ reflects on pastoral romance and does not discuss any tragic event.

55. Thomas Hardy’s novel Under the Green Wood Tree is also known by another name. Which of the four below is it?

(1) The Woodlander

(2) The Mellstock Quire

(3) The Dynasts          

 (4) Life Little Ironies

Ans. (2)

56. Which of these is not a poem by Matthew Arnold?

1. The Foresaken Merman

2. Dover Beach

3. Tristram and Iseult

4. The King’s Tragedy

Ans. (4)

57. “An allegory is a series of metaphors or Symbols continued throughout an entire story so as to represent or describe one series of facts by another series that is analogous to it in its main features”.—Nesfield.

Following this, which of the books mentioned below is an allegory?

1. Pilgrim’s Progress

2. The Crucification of Christ

3. Gulliver’s Travels

4. Robinson Crusoe

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Pilgrim’s progress is an allegory written by John Bunyan. It was first published in 1678.

58. “He resembles the animal that brows on thistles”. The above is an example of:

(1) Tautology               

(2) Periphrases

(3) Onomatopoeia         

(4) Litotes

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Periphrases is about speech or phrase.

59. Which of these travel poems belong to William Wordsworth?

1. Descriptive Sketches

2. Sketches of the Natural civil and Political state of Switzerland

3. Sketches of Nature

4. A vivid sketch and picture of our time

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Descriptive Sketches was published by William Wordsworth.

60. Lyrical Ballads appeared with:

(1) Six poems by Coleridge and fifteen by Wordsworth

(.2) ten poems by Coleridge and ten by Wordsworth

(3) Four poems by Coleridge and fifteen by Wordsworth

(4) Four poems by Coleridge and nineteen by Wordsworth

Ans. (4)

Explanation: The first edition of ‘Lyrical Ballads’ contained 23 poems, four of which were contributed by Coleridge and nineteen by Wordsworth.

61. ‘Emotions recollected in Tranquility,’ the profound philosophy of Wordsworth was rejected by:

(1) William Hazlitt       

(2) T. S. Eliot

(3) Ezra Pound            

 (4) Roland Barthes

Ans. (2)

62. The questions of women’s rights and her sphere had been agitating the minds of men for a long time. Tennyson expressed his views on it in:

(1) The Princess           

(2) Maud

(3) Tears, Idle Tears

(4) Sweet and Low

Ans. (1)

Explanation: ‘The Princess’, a Medley 1847 is an Ans.wer to the question of women’s sphere. It strongly agitated the mind of public.

63. What is known today as the Idylls of the King began in 1842 with the poem Norte de Arthur’. Which is the last poem of the Idylls?

(1) Eaid                       (2) Balin

(3) Vivien                    (4) Elaine

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Tennyson started the legends of Norte de Arthur’ and later added the stories of ‘Vivien’, Elaine until Balin appeared in 1885.

64. Queen Victoria found great solace in her grief from one of Tennyson’s poem. What is the title of the poem?

(1) In Memorium        

 (2) Crossing the Bar

(3) The Brook             

 (4) The Passing of Arthur

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Queen Victoria found solace in the poem ‘In Memorium’ and told Tennyson that his poem, next to the Bible, gave her the most comfort.

65.  When did the last poem of the Idylls appear?

(1) 1885 (2) 1844 (3) 1853 (4) 1890

Ans. (1)

66. Which of his own books did Charles Dickens consider to be his best work?

(1) David Copperfield (2) Pickwick Papers (3) Oliver Twist  (4) Nicholas Nickelby

Ans. (3)

67. `Charles Dickens’ marriage was not very successful. When Dickens was middle-aged, his name was linked with an actress, a girl twenty-five years younger than him. What was her name?

(1) Mary Hogarth         

(2) Maria Beadnell

(3) Georgeina Hogarth

(4) Ellen Ternan

Ans. (4)

Explanation: Dicken’s relationship with Ellen Ternan, his mistress, was not smooth like his married life.

68. Which of these is not a work by John Keats?

(1) Ode to Autumn

(2) To Night

(3) Isabella                

 (4) The Pot of Basil

Ans. (2)

Explanation: `To Night’ is a poem composed by Shelley in 1824.

69. F. Scott Fitzgerald was a great admirer of the poetry of John Keats so much so that he named one of his novels with a line from one of the poems of Keats. Which poem was it?

1. Ode to a Nightingale

2. Ode on a Grecian Urn

3. Ode to Autumn

4. Ode to Psyche

Ans. (2)

70. Which is John Keats’ first Poem?

1. Meg Merrilies

2. On looking at Chapman’s Homer

3. Endymion

4. When I have Fears

Ans. (2)

71. Endymion by Keats is the story of a young Shepherd, loved by the moon Goddess, Keats took the story from:

(1) Greek mythology

(2) Highland Lore

(3) Kentish tales           

(4) Roman myths

Ans. (1)

Explanation: John Keats made his mind to reflect the spirit of the old Greeks in modern English. His efforts are seen in the volume ‘Endymion’.

72. Which romantic novel is by Charles Lamb?

(1) Kloster Leim           

(2) Rosamund Gray

(3) Absentee                

(4) Cranford

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Charles Lamb wrote ‘Rosamund Gray’ (1798) during the first period of his literary career.

73. “Mrs Battle’s opinions on Whist” is an essay that has delighted generation of readers. We find it in

1. Essays of Elia by Charles Lamb

2. Confession by De Quincy

3. Imaginary Conversation by W. S. Landor

4. Essays by Hazlitt

Ans. (1)

74. Lamb’s “Essays of Elia” were written in (1820-23).

When were the “Last Essays of Elia” written?

(1) 1827                     

 (2) 1829

(3) 1833                      

(4) 1835

Ans. (3)

Explanation: The ‘Last Essays of Elia’ were published in 1833.

75. Apart from Tales from Shakespeare, Lamb’s work for children only includes:

1. Specimen of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare

2. Dream Children

3. Child Harold

4. The Adventure of Ulysses   

Ans. (4)

Explanation Charles Lamb composed the poem `Tales from Shakespeare’ and ‘the Adventure of Ulysses’.

76. Wordsworth’s Prelude was completed in:

(1) 1800                     

 (2) 1805

(3) 1822                      

(4) 1825

Ans. (2)

Explanation: ‘The Prelude’ made impressions on the mind of Wordsworth. It was completed in 1805 but published after his death.

77. In which play of Shakespeare do we find these lines. “There needs no ghost, my Lord, come from the grave, to tell in this”.

(1) King Lear              

 (2) Macbeth

(3) Hamlet                 

 (4) Henry IV

Ans. (3)

Explanation: These lines are taken from Hamlet Act I Scene V and are spoken by Moratio to Hamlet.

78. Which of Shakespeare’s tragedies is called the `tragedy of reflection’?

(1) King Lear              

 (2) Hamlet

(3) Macbeth                 

(4) Othello

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Of Shakespeare’s tragedies, Hamlet is called the tragedy of reflections. Infect, it shows tragic flow of Hamlet.

79. The early plays of Shakespeare were written between:

(1) 1597-1625             

 (2) 1598-1614

(3) 1590-1595              

(4) 1600-1607

Ans. (3)

Explanation: Shakespeare’s early plays were written from 1590 to 1595.

80. It is said that Shakespeare based his Julius Caesar on certain incidents of his era. Which of these, is it, said to be?

1. The Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh

2. The Formation of trade relation with the East

3. The rebellion of the Duke of Essex

4. The supremacy of Spain on land and sea

Ans. (3)

81. Which of these poems by Shelley is written in Blank Verse?

1. The Witch of Atlas

2. Hellas

3. The Triumph of Life 

4. The Cenci

Ans. (1)

Explanation: The Witch of Atlas’ is written by P.B. Shelley in Blank Verse.

82. Which of these was written by Shelley?

1. The Four Ages of Poetry

2. Defence of Poesie

3. Defence of Poetry

4. Poetry and Anarchy

Ans. (3)

Explanation: The ‘Defence of Poetry’ (1821) is written by Shelley and ‘Defence of Poesie’ is written by Philip Sidney.

83. Prometheus Unbound is a:

(1) Poetic Drama         

(2) Lyrical Drama

(3) Verse Play             

 (4) Dramatic Satire

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Prometheus Unbound (1818) is a lyrical drama and the best work of Shelley.

84. Shelley’s `Adonais’ is a threnody bewailing the death of:

(1) Harriet Shelley       

(2) John Keats

(3) Robert Burns        

(4) William Wordsworth

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Adonais is a song of grief on the death of the poet, John Keats.

85. To some, of his contemporaries, he appeared as a member of the Cockney School of Poetry”. Who is `he’?

(1) Shelley                 

 (2) Keats

(3) Byron

(4) Southey

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Keats appeared as a member of “the Cockney School of Poetry”.

UP PGT English Exam Paper-2003

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Keywords: UP PGT Exams paper 2003, UP Postgraduate Teacher Exams paper-2013, UP PGT English Exams paper 2003

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